Good Morning Friends! How are you today? It's a beautiful, snowy morning here on Grasshopper Lane. Thinking a steaming pot of tea and some creative goodness is in order. But first, I thought I'd share with you one of the events that we participated in a few weeks ago.
The Annual Camp Quality/Post #5 Navy Club Chili Cook-off took place the first weekend in February. It's tradition in our family to attend each year and a couple in the family have even competed in years past. We decided this year was our turn - we entered our Daisy Lou's Sweet & Spicy Chili. You can find the recipe over on the right hand side or here: While we didn't win, we did do really well for our first time out. We will definitely be coming back next year...with some new tricks up our sleeves guaranteed to wow, YOU, the people's choice judges!!
And! What better way to celebrate your Mom & Dad's wedding anniversary? A yummy dog covered in house-made chili, covered in onions and cheese?!?
Food, Family & Fun! That's what it's all about Folks and if you can support one of your favorite charities in the process - even better! And, because we're glutton's for punishment....Daisy Lou's Sweet and Spicy Chili made an appearance at CWCC's Youth Chili Cook-off the next day!! Okay, off to play in the workroom -
Enjoy your weekend Friends -