2018 has been a year of CHANGE. A lot of things going on here on Grasshopper Lane. The biggest one is this....March 29, 2018 I officially became a "former" employee of the State of Missouri. It was not a decision I made lightly...as a matter for fact - my DH actually made the decision for me, right there in the office where you fill out those retirement papers, six weeks earlier. I may or may not have thrown up a bit as I signed my name across the bottom of the documents.
It was time to move on to the next phase of life. Folks, sometimes you just have to step out on faith and trust in the plan that God has for you. Now, I didn't say it was going to be easy but I am learning to take it one day at a time. I wish I could say that we have all of our bills paid and I was going to get to stay home and do all the things I wanted to do but life doesn't quite work that way. We have those bills. I knew that I would still have to work part-time. So....
April 3, 2018 I became the Administrative Assistant for a local church. And, I LOVE MY NEW JOB! This, folks, was the result of an ad that magically appeared, an old resume' that needed updated, cleaned and spiffed up, and a feeling that this was who, what and where I needed to be. And I am incredibly thankful!
I wish I could say that things were perfect but honestly, they're a tad bit messy. I am still getting used to the new schedule. Reminding myself that I need to go left, not right, at the end of the road and it's okay if I come home in the afternoon and take a nap. I'm still figuring out how I managed to get housework, business stuff, and all of my other commitments done when I worked full time. I'm sure I will get a routine down soon. In the meantime - we are slowly adding product to the shop. Graphic 45, Prima, 49 & Market and Maja Designs to name a few. We will be adding others in the very near future. I have several class plans in the works and taking space on every available flat space in the house. I hope you'll join me on this journey -