English is said to be among the hardest second languages to master. This is largely due to our use of slang. For the most part slang is used to better explain, or stress a point.
A newer slang term for really liking something is Lurve. “OMG! I soooo LURVE that Grasshopper Lane blog!”
More commonly we see normal words or phrases that have been used in an exaggerated manner to more strongly describe a point. “I absolutely love the Grasshopper Lane crafts to pieces!”
One fun questionnaire asked for the top 8 words for love – after hundreds of folks submitted their answers the top 150 were posted. The number two most chosen word to use for “love” was “family”. That says a lot about our society and did my soul good! Number one was “heart”, as a wannabe-writer I think of “heart” as more of a symbol, but that’s a different topic. Another word at the top of the list was chocolate, and that spoke loud and clear to this girl!
So we have this one point to make; how we feel about something or more importantly someone. How do we find the words to say what we really think of them? We need to do our best to express our like/love/care/appreciation/fondness (etc. etc.) in order to perfectly communicate the emotion. We must also do it quickly, in as few words as possible, preferably one word. After all, in this day and age, how long could we possibly hold the attention of a large group? Long enough to express the feelings that are impossible to convey? Possibly even long enough to write a guest-post about how wonderful someone is?
Ok wait…let’s just forget condensing it. What if we use the entire dictionary? Will there be adequate words to tell her husband, daughter and family – those who see her all the time – how much her thoughtfulness has meant and what a truly gentle, kindhearted person she really is?
The thing is, I suspect that if I know this, they do too. In fact I bet it’s not much of a secret at all… I bet we all see her compassion and beauty, not only in everything she is but in everything she does.
But how the heck do we tell her?!?!
Guest Post above by K.Prohaska. A dear friend of my and my partner in alot of crimes. We challenged each other last week to get back to doing the things we love - one of them being writing. She will be appearing here as one of my regular contributors. And Keely - I Lurve You! And I Chocolate You too!!s